Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Last Post

As you know we leave 9-22-2005, and that means this will be my last post.Over the last couple of weeks I have tried to give you all info that will help you to overcome or stop the NWO.As I have stated before some are fighting now.It is because of their fight things are not as bad as they could be.In my world of 2063 they loose.If the word gets out and more of you join the fight to overcome the New World Order when I return tomorrow you should won the fight and things should be a tad different.I am hoping for this to happen.You MUST pass the word about what I have told you.Or research the Bush administration and you will find what I have said to be true.Or you can sit back and do nothing and loose the USA and then wish you would have taken action against this bad element.

Now I leave you with this info.

The United States will have a major stock market crash soon.

This will come from a volley of natural disasters that will tear the soul out of the nation.Telling you this will not cause the universe to be destroyed because there's nothing you can do about it.I told you this is GOD trying to get your attention.For every action there is an reaction.

I have told you what to do to prepare yourself for the coming events in this blog.

I have also told you some good things that will happen.You can stop the NWO.

You can't stop the events with the earth.One thing that will help is this.Turn to GOD.

There will be a civil war or unrest in the USA.Starting with the immigration problems.

You will have even more foreign troops on USA soil.

You will loose more of your rights if you do not stop this.

The sun will burn the earth, and this will start massive earthquakes, to what level I can't say.But will be far worse then before!

You can survive if you move to the areas I have mentioned in this blog.

Christians stay strong and do not loose your faith, as you will be tested.Many of you will be put in jail and worse.

Get your world news on your own.Do not get it from any source like CNN,FOX,MSNBC,CBS,ABC,NBC.Get it on your own!!!!

Do not drink the water out of the faucet at all, learn how to filter water on your own.Learn how to grow food on your own.

If you own a gun, NEVER GIVE IT UP!

If you do not own a gun, get one and learn how to use it.

Teach your kids how to survive at all costs.

Learn how to live off of the land.

DO not let your kids get Flu shots.Trust me on this!

In fact if I where you I would not let them get any of those shots the school system tell they need.Trust me!!

Research these things yourself and you will see I am right.

2006 A big one. Iran will be the new problem

Mangosteen will be revealed to be the most effective natural supplement with Xanthones that can even stop cancer.
Bell will make a mistake, and get caught in a big disaster.
Data storage will go off the charts starting in 2006.

2007= Bad

2008 things will really start to get bad with the civil unrest at the border. She will not save you she will not be able to.

2009 the president you elect will not be from the USA.

2010 will be a year to remember as part of the gulf of mexico will die from oil.

In 2012 you will find some answers.

In 2015 you will be invaded. Not to long after that WWIII will start.

2032 The ocean will boil with the rock.

2034 Is the year that dreams will come true.

2036 The first one will come here.

2041 We will find old things.

2045 we will see beyond this Universe

And I had better stop.

I hope you all take what I have said seriously, I know it's hard to believe I'm a man from 2063.You will soon see I'm not a freak or a liar.

I am the one who tried to warn you all, I am the one who tried to stop it.I hope when I go home the past will be a new one.

Goodbye and good luck to you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

McLaughlin tops, but second unsettled
Northwest Spokane voters and first-time candidate Nancy McLaughlin will have to wait a week or more to find out the other name on the general election ballot for the District 3 Council seat.
Hi, I was just checking out blogs and surfing through some and found you! I like your blog. I will book mark it and come back soon. If you are interested, go see my horse jewelry related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of jewelry

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really into Jesus and the Bible and find when people identify as Christian they tend to really mean they read the Old Testament and not the more tolerant New Testament. Anyway, you'd hope any future wars would wipe out the crazed Bible thumpers. Can't you people just go buy some depopulated land mass and all move there and leave the rest of us alone?

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude ur gettin dis all rong we live in 2070 nd neva had ny of dis stuff. u r a liar if u r mr r c u in re on fri. mwah. ps da futur3e will b brite hang in dere losers. xox
global warming is a sham by da U.S

3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get in touch, please.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Fluox 76 said...

My name is Eden Malumar (alternate spelling of last name is probable). I am a missing child, young teenager alive in mid-21st century Denmark or Sweden (2040's or 2050's). I was kidnapped and am being held prisoner in a giant incinerator where I am forced to work unloading dead bodies from a loading dock into an enormous pit where these bodies are burned and ashes are disposed of. This is genocide and I am forced to be a part of it. I want nothing more than to return to society and see my family again.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Yan said...

If you were really trying to warn people of things you actually knew about as if they were true, you wouldn't be telling people to turn to "God" which is in fact the name of the first pagan deity. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. If in fact you were from the future anytime past 2020 even. Then you would know that it's not going to do any good in this time to try to stop the wheels in motion. There is not one single thing that could be done even if the entire nation rose up. If you didn't know I will tell you foolish christian. The USA is in fact "The beast that rose up from the earth." (it was a nation that was not yet established). "This beast did not take kingship. But the people all gave there power to the beast." hence you voted for them they didn't force there rulership on you. "The # of the beast will be 666" ok we know 6 is the # of man so it looks like were talkin mans rule here in the form of the president, senate, & house of reps. Hence 666. Now this is the system where man came to rule himself. Who cries out give me freedom or give me death. Who screams liberty and justice for all. Hence "all the nations will follow after her saying who is like you who brings peace to all the earth." christians are ignorant people running around screaming blasphemies calling on the names of pagan deitys in place of of the true name Yahuah. So stop crying you little pansy. You have served the beast your entire life & probably gave your power to him as doom as you turned 18 and was able to vote. And the seal of the beast... It isn't no freakin chip that's gona go in your hand. You got the seal of the beast in Sunday school when you decided to rest on the 1st day of week (sun-day). The day honoring the sun deity. And not on the 7th day as you were told to do in the 4th commandment.... You know the 4 commandment? It's the only place in all scripture that Yahuah gives his seal...... Foolish christian preaching fire and brimstone when you know nothing about it. Preaching judgement which you obviously know nothing of at all... You have been a servant of the beast all along and didn't even know it. You have been decieved to believe that you should rule yourself. And in so you have given all your power to the beast.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pls contact me,

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the things you have said have come true! What will happen in 2011?????

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read this 6th August 2011. Some things have come true. The oil spill and not too long ago people were debating whether or not Barrack Obama was American. Coincidence? Maybe. But don't forget, This was written in 2005. How could anyone possibly predict the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is or was this guy?? how did he know this stuff?????

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Might Know Me Already. But This War Is The Last! It Will Battle On Untill One Side Has Won! You Can Only Change The Outcome! Dont Let The Other Side Win! We Are All A People! And We Must Stand Firm! Never Show Your Weekness! Never Surrender! In Order To Get The UpperHand We Must Pre-set A New Goverment To fall Back on! In A Place Like Alaska Because The cold yet soft terrain Will Slow Any Movement of troups and the Wide Open Spaces Will Give Us An Advantage! They Have A few billion dollars in there bank account but we need to make manfucturing facility so we cant get boycotted! We Must Rise Against The Evils That we will see and try not to sin as much as you can! The more we doo the stronger they get! we have to be smarter and faster and keener! Dont Give Up! This is Your Future General. The King Of The dead. And I Would Much Rather Have You Fight With Me Then Against me! We Are The Future! We Will Win!-Asha/na~ Kadros

12:42 PM  
Blogger -THE SCORCE- said...

When he said turn to god meaning go to our 10 commandments for our answers

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Rosco Jones said...

Hey, at least he got Obama right.Even he says Obama was not born in this country.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birther from the future?

Morans are allowed to time travel?

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and why does every "time traveler" try to speak in code?
I can only say...
I can not say more..
That's all i can say...

Do you know if people are still koko for coco puffs in the superfluous utopia future?

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know why you expect to help people by telling them to turn to 'God'?

What on earth is that going to do to help?

I would like to believe what you say, but it's all very generic, like when I saw a medium after my father died, they are really good at providing information about people, but when given a few pointers, it's easy to figure out how they get it right.

I imagine that the things happening in 2012 should be pretty significant, but so far it is June 2012 and there is nothing. Obama is American, and that oil spill didn't cause as much harm as you led people to believe.

It's shamefully really, if this were actually true (and how awesome would that be?!!) then you really should have given people some actual facts. That way we might have actually took a moment to think... This is REAL!!!

Personally, all the religious rubbish you spout is what ruins this whole idea. You cannot expect two totally different dogma of thinking to understand what you are trying to explain.
Religious people would quite happily stay put and be tested in their faith feeling they are already being honourable, rather than make major changes to their lifestyle.

Stop with the religious rubbish, or at least don't be ignorant. There is more to the demise of the world than the Christians in America!!!

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:46 OBAMA is a foreigner, as you will find out. The oil spill's impact is far reaching as many articles attest to. Shrimp without eyes, fish sores, the list is endless.. Cancer among the people eating the oil spill fish will be rampant. Get your head out of the sand and DO SOME RESEARCH!

9:44 AM  
Anonymous pinobot said...

Goddamnit, in 2063 people still believe in god. :(

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

QueerNos likes Penis!

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eden Malumar is real. She doesn't know who she truly is because she has been controlled by drugs, Fluoxetine76 in particular, probably linked with LSD to control her mind. People of this timeline need to believe more and doubt less, when they see something that they feel is true. Otherwise you'll all be in her place, sheep subjected to the slaughter. Wish you the best

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Join the fighting fish, don't sink to the bottom with the stones. Join the floating feathers.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live a life that is your own.

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya jon titur, anak jati kampung felda soeharto.

Saya beri amaran, yang kamu telah diKENX.IX.G tuuuuutttttttttttuututuututuutuututuututuututuutututuututuuttttttttuuutuutgagagashhhajajajhgatuutuutuutuutuututuutuutututuuttutuututuutututuutsuuauusuausuauusuausudjjjahahgaahgajjjajajhggaggagaggagagaggagagttwrerweddDDdFFGSGGSGjjuhhdggajkjakkakaklalhasaysyasyysatbbhhajakkalkalallajsjahhajaiiiiiii Seeeeeeeeeeeeeelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt mmmmmmmaaaaalaaaaaaaammmmmmmm

Puih! Anwar peliwat.

7:53 AM  
Blogger AlternateAudio said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:25 AM  
Blogger AlternateAudio said...


4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Orleans took on Katrina and BP....still isn't dead! Interesting read though

8:30 PM  
Blogger dimitri said...

well, it is now almost 21 december of 2012. you where right about obama and maybe about his roots, there where rumours. you where right about bp oil disaster and you are totally right about the guns!! the crazy shooting drama's in the US confirms that they want to get the weapons away. i remember 3 shootings in america with a lot of victims, what did they carry? a lots of guns!!!!! im from the netherlands and its not allowed to have guns. i hope we cant resist but how. only what you say about god i think its a bit strange. What does g o d means? maybe it means: Gold Oil Drugs? i dont like the god part so maybe you can explain that. you are an idiot or a time traveller i hope that we will know that once.

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Scott" talks about how Christians must be strong etc.?? Well, in 2063 they then still haven't found out that Also Christianity is just another useless sect to find authority outside yourself? No, for me "Scott" should be a lot wiser if he really came from 2063.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A WWIII and yet you're only talking about the USA like only USA residents do. Can't be a WW if the rest of the world isn't participating.

If you'd really were genuine helping, you'd give people all over this world some advice and not just Christians with guns in the madness called the US of A.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i get it. Wake up, just wake up. Todays day : 19 dec 2012.

5:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where da fuq am i

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is 12/25/2012. I am the 33rd comment. My initals are JK.... I found this blog 1st quarter earlier this year at about 205 profile views. It is now at 3505 profile views. I'm not going to repeat what Qronos1 or other credible time travelers are saying. I did my research because I have the time to. If you involve yourself like I did you'll come to find they're not playing around. The Time Travel Institute website has other claims but you have to do the research to find the credible ones. If you don't know, watch the movie Demolition Man and you'll see how Hollywood knows ahead of time things to come and twists it into movies. 911 is a bigger deal than most people know. Notice how Tv shows and Movies are pushing disaster across the globe and as well as the U.S.... Even The Dark Knight rises has substantial amounst of symbolism that "warns" you in a symbolic way... Here's a word you should know, Masonic. And look up Albert Pike who seemingly designed the 3 World wars in which the first two went accordingly and the third is following suite. I pray for you all. There is sooo much you don't know going on behind the scenes.. I'm sorry

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he believe in God from the bible
than how can he is a timetraveler???

its not alow for christian to time travel.or to believe in interfere time future or past. this is strange

6:37 PM  
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2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you're from future tell me exactly the date weed will be legalized?

1:40 PM  
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5:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time travel is impossible!

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With this said n every post being held as their evidence that they're gunna use as take a look at what's got said. Death is here

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Qronos7 Will there be heroes

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My name is Zefux52 I had to return I came with Qronos1 Im now one of the most powerfull human in 2060 Flying and teleporting wil be invented 2 thing will be the most rarest things in planet 375295-90 (Earth) .

We will be able to travel to 21-34 the most powerfull creatures in the universe they have a very strong community it is the size of 297169-10 (Moon) They are the most peacefull people they can bend the 10 elements
1972-1 (Plykosius)
1975-8 (Zofikosim)
1945-3 (Fire)
1963-4 (Metal)
1854-6 (Diamonds)
1632-8 (Hell rock)
1297-5 (Heaven sklos)
1986-6 (Sun fire)
1356-3 (Elkonite)
1297-1 (Dark Heaven sklos)

They are here and trying to find Bush for our world there are 3 of them try to find them and your world will be safe from the Apocalypse

I cant tell much butt try to do these things

For now

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Commentaar me please
About The end off worldwar 3

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake, no source of Bitcoin 😏

3:31 PM  
Blogger illicious said...

I am not saying this is a real time traveler but this blog's domain extension has changed a few time and i have the original page saved from 2006.

I have read and remember reading this part in 2006:

2006 A big one. Iran will be the new problem

Mangosteen will be revealed to be the most effective natural supplement with Xanthones that can even stop cancer.
Bell will make a mistake, and get caught in a big disaster.
Data storage will go off the charts starting in 2006.
2007= Bad
2008 things will really start to get bad with the civil unrest at the border. She will not save you she will not be able to.
2009 the president you elect will not be from the USA.
2010 will be a year to remember as part of the gulf of mexico will die from oil.
In 2012 you will find some answers.
In 2015 you will be invaded. Not to long after that WWIII will start.
2032 The ocean will boil with the rock.
2034 Is the year that dreams will come true.
2036 The first one will come here.
2041 We will find old things.
2045 we will see beyond this Universe

2008, 2009 and 2010 were some pretty good guesses.

6:20 AM  
Blogger Polonaise said...

let me post it again (time update - now is july 6, 2015)


2006 A big one. Iran will be the new problem

Mangosteen will be revealed to be the most effective natural supplement with Xanthones that can even stop cancer.
Bell will make a mistake, and get caught in a big disaster.
Data storage will go off the charts starting in 2006.
2007= Bad
2008 things will really start to get bad with the civil unrest at the border. She will not save you she will not be able to.
2009 the president you elect will not be from the USA.
2010 will be a year to remember as part of the gulf of mexico will die from oil.
In 2012 you will find some answers.
In 2015 you will be invaded. Not to long after that WWIII will start.
2032 The ocean will boil with the rock.
2034 Is the year that dreams will come true.
2036 The first one will come here.
2041 We will find old things.
2045 we will see beyond this Universe

2008, 2009 and 2010 were some pretty good guesses.

11:38 AM  
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6:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What a crock of shit
2006 No problem with Iran
84 death worlwide due to tarnado's in 2006
So its now september 2015, no wwIII yet, don't hold my breath on it either

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you will be invaded, thats whats happening now in europe.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Teppen said...

18 oct 2015 ---

This one is coming very close now:
"In 2015 you will be invaded. Not to long after that WWIII will start."

OR would it be a big hoax?

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in europe and europe is being invaded. Here in europe it does feel like ww3 is slowly starting

2:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the last report on YouTube of 'The alex jones channel' so basically yes qronos is right

6:02 AM  
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4:12 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Obama was born in Hawaii, he has a birth certificate to prove it, idiots.

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2:16 AM  
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8:03 AM  
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1:35 AM  
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11:22 PM  
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4:35 AM  
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4:36 AM  
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11:27 PM  
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11:28 PM  
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1:05 AM  
Anonymous Propaar said...

This article is good and reminds me of a good memory of mine. It occurred just a few months ago....

My lady-friend Smupa and good friend Pratha and I were adrift on a small vessel in the vast ocean, participating in a journey of the mind, body, and spirit.

While contemplating the very existence of time and its corollaries, we were suddenly jolted by a series of large and violent bubbles surfacing just beneath our tiny vessel, nearly capsizing us in the process.

Soon after regaining our composure, a seriously foul odor was realized.

Within seconds of inhaling the noxious fumes, I began to envision a wildly amusing collage of surreal colors and creatures, causing me to vomit all of my life's frustrations in one major upheaval.

Pratha reacted to the foul odor by chanting backwards in his native tongue while deep in his trance.

Smupa began to smile in a most uncontrollable fashion and then proceeded to break wind from her bottom.

Smupa's gas pass served as the eureka moment. I then posed the question:

Do whales fart??

Smupa and I did some research and found the following:

The short answer is yes, whales do indeed fart, flatus or pass gas depending on how you like to phrase it.
In fact whales, dolphins and porpoises are all marine mammals belonging to the cetacean species and they are all known to fart.
Today there are around 80 – 90 known species of cetacea currently in existence and they encompass all of the worlds major oceans from the tropics to the coldest of the northern and southern polar hemispheres.
When it comes to passing gas, farting is a common characteristic that most land and marine mammals have in common with one another.
Passing gas allows animals to release air that is trapped inside their stomach, which could lead to digestive problems, stomach cramps or other complications if not removed from the body.
When an animal passes gas or farts the air that comes out of the body comes primarily from two main sources.
The first source comes from oxygen that is pulled in through the air either while breathing (inhaling and exhaling) or when consuming food or drinking water; and since all mammals eat food and require oxygen to survive they all take in air.
The second source of air or gas comes from food that is broken down by enzymes, stomach acids and bacteria in the stomach, which creates toxic gasses that need to be removed from the body to prevent it from doing harm to the individuals digestive system.
In order to release these gases animals need a way to expel them from the body and for most mammals this means that the toxic gas has to exit through either the mouth, which causes burping or through the anal tract which causes farting.
The gases that are expelled from a fart are mostly composed of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane.
The reason some gasses smell worse than others is because of the breakdown of the foods involved.
Certain foods can cause obnoxious orders when released as gas while others do not.
From some of the statements researchers have made about whales farting they have concluded that yes, it stinks when a whale farts.
When a whale farts or passes gas underwater the sound is believed to be suppressed by the surrounding water making it silent or at least quite compared to the gas that is expelled from land based animals.
In some cases bubbles or clouds can be seen rising to the surface of the water when a whale passes gas.
Those most likely to experience whales farting are likely to be researchers involved in following whales and researching their dung or gathering information about their gestation period, habitat, social structure and other important factors.
In some cases this may also be observed by tourists and whale watchers that are hoping to get a glance of these marine mammals in their natural habitat.
Unfortunately not much research has been done on this topic, however there have been researchers who have experienced and confirmed that yes whales do indeed fart.
Thank you for your time.

3:51 PM  
Blogger zoyakhanclub2 said...

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12:10 AM  
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4:50 AM  
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4:51 AM  
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6:47 PM  
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2:52 AM  
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2:07 AM  
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10:58 PM  
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2:58 AM  
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4:34 AM  
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9:55 PM  
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8:22 PM  
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4:07 AM  
Blogger Vishnu Garg said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:23 AM  
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11:18 PM  
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11:57 PM  
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10:26 PM  
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11:32 PM  
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3:16 AM  
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3:18 AM  
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1:04 AM  
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1:43 AM  
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1:51 AM  
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5:38 AM  
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12:29 AM  
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4:54 AM  
Blogger Jyoti said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:10 PM  
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9:25 PM  
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10:11 PM  
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12:15 AM  
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10:29 AM  
Blogger Vadodara Escort Neha said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:59 PM  
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2:29 AM  
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5:08 AM  

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